effective tips for your homework

10 Facts About How Homework Can Cause Stress and How to Deal With It

Homework is not just a stressful experience for students; it can be a frustrating experience for parents as well. Unfortunately, students have to start doing assignments at home in elementary school. In some of the top preschools, students are already sent home with schoolwork.

  1. Beginning Early Does Not Equal Success
  2. There have been very few studies on preschool and kindergarten students, but current information suggests that at-home schoolwork does not boost their grades. Studies on elementary, middle and high school students show that extra schoolwork only begins to provide a benefit during high school.

  3. Depression
  4. Some researchers have shown that extra schoolwork can actually lead to depression.

  5. Does Not Boost Grades
  6. A team of researchers in Australia conducted a study that showed too much at-home work actually led to lower grades.

  7. Sleep Interference
  8. Children are supposed to get at least eight hours of sleep a night. If there is too much work to complete, schoolchildren are unable to get the sleep they need.

  9. The Finnish System
  10. In Finland, schoolchildren are only allowed to do 30 minutes of schoolwork each night. This caused a boost in grades and a reduction in stress levels.

  11. Teachers Hate It
  12. After receiving hours of work, students may think that teachers like assigning projects. In reality, assigning schoolwork makes the teacher spend more time grading papers and less time planning lessons.

  13. Studying Can Help
  14. If only a few assignments are given out, schoolwork can actually boost grades. Studying helps to cement the information that students learned in class.

  15. Plan Ahead
  16. To conquer schoolwork stress, parents should set a regular schedule. If students are used to doing assignments at a set time, it will help them to focus quickly. Homework should be done during the time of day that the student is most alert. If they are tired after a long day at school, a few hours of playtime or a nap can help.

  17. Take Breaks
  18. No one can focus for hours without a break. Instead of plowing through assignments, students should take a 5 to 10 minute break every hour. During the break, students should take some time to stretch and relax their minds. They can focus on the assignment later; the break should be used entirely to rejuvenate their minds.

  19. Find a Quiet Place
  20. To reduce stress, students should find a quiet place to work. If distractions are limited, students can focus better and complete their assignment faster. Ideally, students should turn off any mobile devices, music or television shows.
